
A Bargaining Council of the General Public Sector

The General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) was designated in terms of the PSCBC Resolution 10 of 1999 as the bargaining council of the general public sector, and was registered with the Registrar of Labour Relations on July 28th, 1999, and subsequently inaugurated on September 7th, 1999.

The Constitution of the GPSSBC allows for the establishment of Chambers within the Sector (GPSSBC Constitution par. 13.9). GPSSBC Resolution 3/2004 allowed for the establishment of Chambers for the Provincial Governments and National Departments within the Scope of the GPSSBC.

Collective Bargaining

Dispute Resolution


Annual Report 2022/2023

GPSSBC Notifications

Notification in Terms of Section 22(B) of The Protection of Personal Information ACT, 2013 

19 July 2023

Introduction Security incident and remediation of the effects of the incident Potential impact to your personal information We understand that

Two new Resolutions from the GPSSBC

19 July 2023

 GPSSBC Resolution 1 of 2021, Compensation for Official Duties Performed during Meal intervals (546 KB)  GPSSBC Resolution 2 of 2021 Sea

Safe Back2Work

30 July 2020

With the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping through the country, every effort must be made to limit transmission.

GPSSBC Processes: COVID-19

24 July 2020

In the interest of safety and minimisation of risk to all, the GPSSBC has resolved that physical hearings will be

Our Vision

Delivering exceptional service to all we serve

Our Mission

To promote sound labour relations and ensure industrial stability through effective and efficient collective bargaining, dispute prevention, dispute resolution and good governance.

Our Values


  • promote labour peace in the General Public Service Sector;

  • promote and maintain sound relationships between the employer and its employees;

  • negotiate and bargain collectively to reach agreement on matters of mutual interest;

  • provide mechanisms for the prevention and effective and expeditious resolution of disputes;

  • conclude, supervise and enforce collective agreements;

  • comply with its powers and duties in terms ofthe Labour Relations Act and the Council’s Constitution;

  • consider and deal with such other matters as may affect the interests of the parties to the Council;

  • promote the effective delivery of services to the community; and

  • promote effective communication between the employer, its employees and the trade union sin the General Public Service Sector.

The GPSSBC, along with the other sectoral bargaining councils, is the steward of the rights and obligations for the South African public service.

Clause 3 of the Constitution of the GPSSBC describes the scope of the Council as follows:

The State, as employer, and its employees who fall within the scope of the PSCBC, and do not fall within the registered scope of the:

  • Education Labour Relations Council;
  • Public Health and Social Development Sector Bargaining Council; and
  • Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council.


Therefore the Parties to Council include the State as the Employer and the Trade Unions NEHAWU (National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union), POPCRU (Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union) and PSA (Public Servants Association).

The area and scope of operation of the GPSSBC is national, with provincial and national chambers.

The General Secretary acts as a full-time Accounting Officer of the GPSSBC with full oversight and authority over internal operations and staff. The core function of collective bargaining is a national competency influenced by the provincial and national chambers. The function of dispute resolution is centralised and insourced within the organisation with a wholly outsourced panel of Conciliators and Arbitrators.

Furthermore, in terms of Clause 5 of the Constitution, the GPSSBC has powers to engage in the following activities, amongst others, in the execution of its core operations:

  • Conclude and enforce collective agreements;
  • Prevent and resolve labour disputes;
  • Perform dispute resolution functions referred to in Section 51 of the Act;
  • Establish and administer a fund to be used for dispute resolution; and
  • Create an environment conducive to the provision of operational services by the PSCBC.


The practical result of the diverse Scope of theGPSSBC is that the Scope spans:

  • 9 Provincial Governments,
  • 93 Provincial Departments,
  • 34 National Departments, and
  • 305 000 Employees